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Available Light versus artificial light …

Is available light better than artificial light ? Am I stuck with images that look like as if taken in a dentists lab if I use artificial light ?

Even though this discussion is completely obsolete one can follow it everywhere on the internet. At least where photographers are abroad.

Some of those carry “Available Light Photographer” in front of them like a holy grail. As if it was something that makes you unique … somehow superior to your fellow beings.

It does not make you superior. In fact you limit yourself if you shun such techniques as black Voodoo. Artificial light is nothing to be afraid of.

When I once attended a workshop, someone asked if I was an “available light photographer” and when I replied that I like to use whatever is required, even artificial light, he looked at me as if I was an idiot.

I was not impressed of course but did not bother to jump the train.

Let us face some simple facts to better understand what we are talking about.

  • Most people have natural light in mind when they ramble about “Available Light”.
  • But artificial light can be available light too, depending on the location.
  • Most often artificial light is simply there (bulbs, light panels etc.) and you cannot avoid it.
  • Light is a physical phenomena that can be controlled to some extend.

So what we learn from this is that if you know how to control artificial light you can produce nearly the same quality that natural light offers. Really ?

Yes ! If you look at the images of great fashion photographers and admire the brilliant look you should understand that they almost always use artificial light. But … they know how to use it to their full advantage.

Artificial light is simply a tool to create exactly the type of light that you need even if the “available light” is really bad. Mastering the use of artificial light makes your set of tools more flexible and more powerful and independent.

An external light meter helps you to achieve this goal by the way.





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