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Nordlande Concepts

The Nordlande campaign is one of the most intense and important scenarios in the game. I had so many intriguing ideas for the relevant concepts, characters and such that I was completely unable to complete only half of the illustrations I had in mind even though i completed more than a hundred illustrations and sketches altogether.

I am still suffering from the lack of time to complete those concepts and the many ideas that got lost. We played through this campaign for more than two years but only 20 % of this gorgeous set was completed.

The story line evolves around the mage Cearandir and the mistress of the order of heavens Ana Sophia Nayin en Ayandar and their falling in love after long struggles and bitter rivalry about a rather epic as well as ancient conflict.

I mostly used rough chalk brushes and intense contrast in order to support the dark mood of the Khan Drak and Drai. The colors are primarily blue, green and red, mixed with grey.


SoftwarePS 6



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